Grown in Britain is a standard for the certification of timber and timber products originating from timber grown in the United Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales). A key element of Grown in Britain’s ambition is to increase the number of existing forests and woodlands which are actively managed to a recognised forest management standard to create a healthier future for our forests and woodlands1 . This standard has been designed to increase the visibility of home-grown timber and timber products by certifying woodlands, producers and traders where the timber element is grown in the United Kingdom. This is the definitive standard setting out the requirements for the certification of Grown in Britain suppliers to allow businesses (forest and woodland owners, and individuals or organisations that handle and/or add value to timber) to use Grown in Britain product claims and labels. Grown in Britain certification provides assurance that the products originate from timber grown in the United Kingdom. When the Grown in Britain certification is applied to a product it provides assurance of origin through an instantly recognisable label. The Grown in Britain standard meets the requirements of the Timber Procurement Policy (TPP) by promoting best practice and the implementation of forest management plans in accordance with the UK Forestry Standard (UKFS)2 . In addition, the Grown in Britain Woodfuel (GiB-W) claim aligns itself with the Timber Standard for Heat and Electricity (TSHE) 3 . Grown in Britain fully recognises existing, and well-proven, international forest certification schemes such as the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) schemes and does not wish to compete with or replicate them. The TPP and further guidance can be found within the website. It outlines verification requirements for the UK Timber Procurement Policy and government forest management criteria. This revision of the Grown in Britain Standard combines the Grown in Britain standard with the Woodfuel standard and is valid from 1st August 2019 for new certification applicants. For existing certificated operators, compliance must be by their next audit with a grace of 31st July 2020 for those to be audited before this date.
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