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Public Art Gourdon Aberdeenshire

Robert Lawrence • 17 September 2021

Environmentally Responsible Public Art - Gourdon.

Seaview Community Park, Gourdon Aberdeenshire is, as the name implies, run by a community group, a group of enthusiastic proactive friends and neighbours, who have created an attractive environment for all generations of their village to gather and enjoy the open space. Robert of Ingrained Culture has been commissioned to make various sculptures for Seaview Community Park, the latest piece 'A Wave To Our Past' was installed this week. 

The piece, as you can see from the photos, is a contemporary wave shape that Robert designed and built entirely by hand and eye alone, and the extensive carved text, focuses on the human heritage of Gourdon. It speaks about the men and women involved in herring fishing, the Selbie Works flax spinning mill and invites people of today to enjoy the Park.  It's a truly collaborative piece, there is a poem by Celia Craig especially commissioned for this piece, and all the other text and the piece's name is the work of Robert's client - J.M. & L.S.

In common with all work from Ingrained Culture, 'A Wave To Our Past' is made exclusively from 100% legal and sustainable Scottish grown wood, and its manufacture has one of the lowest possible carbon foot prints. I have developed many different techniques to make wooden sculpture like this, suitable for permanent outside installation. All my work is about Climate Crisis mitigation.  

For more information please take a look at the Community Groups page. 

If you have a similar project in mind and would like a no obligation conversation with Robert, please complete the brief form at the bottom of this blog post, and he'll be straight back to you - double quick.

If you have a moment or two, perhaps you might like to look at my website proper, to do so, click the button below:

Website proper.

Bella the seal pup.

Bella the seal pup is a life size sculpture in realism. If you look closely, you can see she has 'blonde' and darker aspects to her skin colouring as in real life. This has been achieved by mixing wood species, I have used Scottish Larch for the darker colour and Scots Pine for the blonder parts. Bella has an all weather coating to make her suitable for permanent outside installation. There is a reason why my clients have named her Bella, and all will become clear........

Ecofriendly Artisan Signage

Fast Track To Robert

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